SUPREME SHOW The 2024 Supreme Show is now over and the results will be posted on the REPORTS Page when available
*NEW* ONLINE PREFIX APPLICATIONS GCCFI are pleased to announce that it is now possible to apply for a prefix online. Instructions HERE _____________
April 2023 Urgent Appeal from UCD Veterinary Hospital The UCD Veterinary Hospital are seeking healthy cats to donate blood to be transfused to sick patients in their ICU. Contact: vetblooddonorclinic@ucd.ie or 01 7166137
PLEASE HELP _____________
13 Day Rule Exhibitors please note that the above rule requires 13 days between any cat from the same household being shown not 13 clear days.
British Long Hair Variants British Longhair variants, (shorthaired cats with a BLH parent, can now be shown in the equivalent BSH classes as they are identical to BSH who carried a gene for longhair, and all will be judged by the BSH SOP for quality. _____________
JUNE 2019
All Champion/Grand Champion and Premier/Grand Premier Titles are now automated and you will be informed when one of these titles is achieved. See the Notice Page and the Form Page for full details. _____________
ADVICE TO KITTEN BUYERS There is very important advice and information regarding buying a kitten on our Information Page and we very strongly urge any person considering buying a kitten to read it carefully before proceeding.
IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE Regretably, there is currently a lot of misinformation being propogated by some kitten sellers. Please read this NOTICE, the information on Buying and Selling a Kitten on our Information Page and please use our Contact Us page PRIOR to purchasing a kitten if still in any doubt as to the veracity of the information you are receiving from potential sellers. |
The GCCFI (Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Ireland) was founded in 1968 and is to the Cat Fancy what the Kennel Club is to the Dog World.
The earliest idea of a Cat Fancy in Ireland came with the founding of the Siamese Cat Club in 1953. Those involved at the time tried unsuccessfully to became affiliated with the GCCF in the UK. The Siamese Cat Club subsequently started a registration system for Siamese cats which they continued until the founding of the GCCFI (Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Ireland) in 1968. The registrations were then handed over to the new body, where they expanded in due course to include new breeds as they emerged and were developed.
The GCCFI formed its own constitution and dealt with the affiliation of clubs and the running of championship shows, as it does to the present day. It took many years of negotiations before we received recognition from the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in the UK. This enabled our breeders and exhibitors to register their cats in the UK and show them at GCCF shows, and the UK people to register and show their cats at our shows here in Ireland. This in turn, with mutual agreement, led to cats being able to compete for International Status between the two countries, which is the norm at the present time.
The Council consists of not more than 30 members comprised of Founder Members, Life Members, Elected Members and Club Delegates. The day to day business of the Council is dealt with by the Executive Committee which consists of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and five others all elected at the AGM and holding office for two years. The AGM is held in June or July of each year and there should be at least two other general meetings. Contact details and further information may be found on the Contacts Page The GCCFI currently has two affiliated Clubs; SABCCI (Siamese and All Breeds Cat Club of Ireland), and The Cork Cat Club - both detailed below in the order in which they were affiliated.
Please click HERE for a copy of the GCCFI Constitution (Copy Date: August 2023). Please click HERE for a copy of the GCCFI Rules (Updated December 2020) Please click HERE for a copy of the Household Pets Rules (Copy Date February 2025)