APRIL 2025






The 2024 Supreme Show is  now over and the results will be posted on the REPORTS Page when available






GCCFI are pleased to announce that it is now possible to apply for a prefix online. Instructions HERE




April 2023

Urgent Appeal

from UCD Veterinary Hospital

The UCD Veterinary Hospital are seeking healthy cats to donate blood to be transfused to sick patients in their ICU. 

Contact: vetblooddonorclinic@ucd.ie

or 01 7166137







13 Day Rule

Exhibitors please note that the above rule requires 13 days between any cat from the same household being shown not 13 clear days.




British Long Hair


British Longhair variants, (shorthaired cats with a BLH parent, can now be shown in the equivalent BSH classes as they are identical to BSH who carried a gene for longhair, and all will be judged by the BSH SOP for quality.




JUNE 2019


All Champion/Grand Champion and Premier/Grand Premier Titles are now automated and you will be informed when one of these titles is achieved.  See the Notice Page and the Form Page for full details.





There is very important advice and information regarding buying a kitten on our Information Page and we very strongly urge any person considering buying a kitten to read it carefully before proceeding.




Regretably, there is currently a lot of misinformation being propogated by some kitten sellers.  Please read this NOTICE, the information on Buying and Selling a Kitten on our Information Page and please use our Contact Us page PRIOR to purchasing a kitten if still in any doubt as to the veracity of the information you are receiving from potential sellers.



BUYING & SELLING A KITTEN - Information and Advice & Code of Ethics


The different pedigree cat breeds recognised by the GCCFI mirror those recognised by their counterpart in the UK, the GCCF.  Please follow this link to the GCCF site for breed photos & information (click on the individual photos for detailed information about the breeds).


If you are in any doubt as to whether a particular breed is recognised, please contact Mrs Caroline Wren, the Registration Administrator directly.


Please note that some breeds, although high profile and well known, may not be recognised for a variety of reasons, but sometimes because of the health implication of their particular characteristics.  However, it may also be only because they are new and under development, so please check if in doubt.


To enter a Cat Show you must apply in advance to the Show Manager and enter your cat in its relevant class.  The different classes are published in the Show Schedule, which indicates the classes available for the different breeds and also the different judges who will be judging on the day.  Some of these judges are Irish, but most come from the UK and Europe, and occasionally from even further afield.  The show schedule is published two months in advance of the show and entries close four weeks before show day.  All pedigree entries must be registered with the GCCFI, but there is also a section for Household Pets that need not be registered, but must still be entered prior to the show – it is not possible to just turn up with your cat on the day!


On Show Day you must arrive early in the morning and your cat will be checked by a vet before being allowed into the show hall.  Once in the hall, you will settle your cat in a pre-assigned pen from where it will be judged.  If your cat wins its class it will be awarded a Championship Certificate (Premier Certificate in the case of a neuter).  When you win three of these certificates, under three different judges at three different shows, your cat will be a Champion and you may apply to the Registrar to have this certified.  You then progress to the Grand Champion class and you must win three Grand Champion Certificates to be a Grand Champion.  There are also lots of lovely rosettes and special trophies for different category winners.


The pedigree section pens are deliberately kept free of any identifying marks to retain the anonymity of the entrants so that the judges have no idea of whose cat they are judging.  Exhibitors in the non-pedigree section may dress up and theme their pens in whatever way they wish.


At the end of each show seven Best In Show cats are picked in seven separate categories and these are then judged at the finale of the show to pick an overall Best In Show (BIS), for which win it gains an extra cert.  At the GCCFI Supreme Show, the title of BIS is the Supreme Exhibit of the year and this is considered the ultimate accolade in the annual show calendar.


For further information and to request a schedule for a show, please visit the Show Page on this site.  Any queries should be directed to the Show Manager listed on the Show Page.





Registering a kitten with the GCCFI costs from €10.00 to €25.00, therefore the registration cost should not materially affect the price of a kitten, and cannot reasonably be cited as a factor in a failure to have the correct paperwork available on kitten handover.   As always, the GCCFI recommend that you do NOT accept a kitten without ALL the correct paperwork - further details & advice below:



The GCCFI requires that no kitten be permitted to go to a new home before 13 weeks of age. At least seven days prior to this, the kitten must have completed a full course of vaccinations, including a health check, given by a Veterinary Surgeon. The Breeder must ensure that kittens are house-trained, inoculated and in good general health.

Unfortunately there a few unscrupulous breeders and we would warn you of the following when you go to see kittens. Do not agree to purchase a kitten with any of these signs.

  • Lethargic and not active as a kitten should be
  • Discharge from eyes, ears or nose
  • Sneezing or coughing
  • Bald patches
  • The kitten’s coat should be free from fleas and not have any bumps or scars

You should be shown the mother and other siblings. If the father is owned by the breeder you should also see him.


When you purchase the kitten you should be given a full set of papers which include a signed pedigree, transfer of ownership and a fully completed vaccination certificate. Good breeders will also give you a diet sheet and probably an information sheet. Do not accept the kitten without these papers.


Unscrupulous Breeders may tell you the kitten is sneezing/coughing because he has just been

vaccinated. Do not accept this.


If any of the above is true DO NOT bring the kitten home with you. To take him home with any of these problems can lead to great difficulties and unfortunately in some rare cases heartbreak. No good breeder would let a sick kitten leave their care.


Should you wish to make a complaint, please download the appropriate form HERE



Code of Ethics


Owners of all GCCFI registered kittens/cats accept the jurisdiction of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Ireland and undertake to abide by this general Code of Ethics

(A pdf/printer friendly version of the Code Of Ethics is available HERE).

  1. 1)  Owners should think carefully and be advised before getting a kitten. A breed should be chosen which is suitable to the lifestyle of the new owner. Only keep as many cats as can be cared for properly.

  3. 2)  Warm and comfortable housing must be provided for cats and kittens allowing ample opportunity and space for exercise and play. Fresh clean drinking water must be available at all times and cats must be fed regularly and adequately. This would mean twice each day for adults and four times a day for new kittens (up to 3 months) reducing to 3 meals at 4 months and at 6 months two meals for the rest of their lives. Breeders will supply written details of all dietary requirements and will also give advice and guidance concerning responsible ownership when kittens/cats are moving to their new homes.

  5. 3)  Some cats need more grooming than others do and this will keep the coat in good condition and will be a check for fleas and other parasites. Longhair cats need daily grooming to prevent the formation of knots and matted fur which can cause the cat considerable discomfort. Prospective buyers of Longhair cats should be made fully aware of the need for grooming.

  7. 4)  If a kitten/cat shows signs of illness it is imperative to seek Veterinary assistance.

  9. 5)  Cats bought as pets, not for breeding, should be neutered at the age recommended by your Veterinary Surgeon. Some cats are registered on the Non-Active register which means that in no circumstances should they be bred from. It is not possible to register the progeny of such cats with the GCCFI. Only the breeder may request a change from Inactive to Active register.

  11. 6)  Breeders agree only to sell cats where there is a reasonable expectation that they will have a happy and healthy life. Breeders should make an offer at the time of sale to help with the re-homing should future circumstances require that a new home has to be found for the cat. A reputable breeder will always give this commitment.

  13. 7)  Owners should not sell any cat to commercial cat wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow cats to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind.

  15. 8)  Breeders must not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise cats nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of the cat and must draw the attention of purchasers to the implications of the Non-Active register when selling pet kittens.

  17. 9)  When kittens are sold on the Active register, the breeder should be willing to offer advice and support to the new owners. Owners should not breed cats in any way that would be deleterious to the cat or the breed.

  19. 10)  Owners should give some consideration to finding the best means to identify the cat in case it should become lost. A microchip can be inserted painlessly by a Veterinary Surgeon, which will give the cat a number, which can be registered and checked if the cat is found. Collars with identification can be worn but are not altogether safe as they may become entangled or break or come off over the cats head so there is no means of identification.


Transfer of Registration - Section 1 Rules 12 & 13

  1. 11)  The GCCFI requires that no kitten be permitted to go to a new home before 13 weeks of age. At least seven days prior to this, the kitten must have completed a full course of vaccinations, including a health check, given by a Veterinary Surgeon. All cats and kittens must have received two doses of vaccine three to four weeks apart, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations against infectious enteritis (FPV), FHV and FCV (‘cat flu’) at least one week prior to sale and/or leaving for a new home.The Breeder must ensure that kittens are house-trained, inoculated and in good general health.

  3. 12)  Breeders/Owners when selling or transferring a kitten/cat must provide the new owners with a full set of papers including all GCCFI documents as listed below. Breeders/Owners must not deface GCCFI documents in any way.

12a) Pedigree Form: When a kitten/cat is advertised as a pedigree kitten or cat, the

Breeder/Owner shall at the time of sale provide the purchaser with a properly completed pedigree signed by the Breeder carrying three generations at least, showing all the breed numbers, if available, and registration numbers of all cats named on the pedigree, including the registration number and the breed number of the kitten/cat being offered for sale, also the Breeders name and address. If the vendor is not the breeder the pedigree must additionally be signed by the vendor and include also the vendors name and address.


12b) Registration Card: The breeder should fill in the name & address of the new owner in the space provided. The new owner should sign the Registration Card and return it with the relevant transfer fee to complete the official Transfer of ownership.


12c) Vaccination Card signed by the breeders/owners Veterinary Surgeon confirming that the kitten/cat has been fully vaccinated and states the date the last vaccination was completed. If the kitten/cat has been microchipped, the number should also be supplied.


12d) If a kitten is sold unregistered, in addition to the pedigree, the seller shall supply a copy of the certificate of mating whether or not the seller is the registered owner of the sire. Any application to register the kitten at a later date must be accompanied by this certificate. If either of the parents is not GCCFI registered the seller must supply the necessary paperwork to allow the new owner to register the kitten with the GCCFI.


12e) A copy of the Code of Ethics for Breeders and Owners.


13) The GCCFI reserves the right not to register/transfer a kitten/cat at its discretion.


14) Should the new owners have any further questions or problems, the GCCFI Officers may be contacted through this website.


© GCCFI 2022


Produced by the GCCF for the GCCFI 24.11.22





For an Information Sheet for stewards on handling cats at cat shows, please click here.