APRIL 2025






The 2024 Supreme Show is  now over and the results will be posted on the REPORTS Page when available






GCCFI are pleased to announce that it is now possible to apply for a prefix online. Instructions HERE




April 2023

Urgent Appeal

from UCD Veterinary Hospital

The UCD Veterinary Hospital are seeking healthy cats to donate blood to be transfused to sick patients in their ICU. 

Contact: vetblooddonorclinic@ucd.ie

or 01 7166137







13 Day Rule

Exhibitors please note that the above rule requires 13 days between any cat from the same household being shown not 13 clear days.




British Long Hair


British Longhair variants, (shorthaired cats with a BLH parent, can now be shown in the equivalent BSH classes as they are identical to BSH who carried a gene for longhair, and all will be judged by the BSH SOP for quality.




JUNE 2019


All Champion/Grand Champion and Premier/Grand Premier Titles are now automated and you will be informed when one of these titles is achieved.  See the Notice Page and the Form Page for full details.





There is very important advice and information regarding buying a kitten on our Information Page and we very strongly urge any person considering buying a kitten to read it carefully before proceeding.




Regretably, there is currently a lot of misinformation being propogated by some kitten sellers.  Please read this NOTICE, the information on Buying and Selling a Kitten on our Information Page and please use our Contact Us page PRIOR to purchasing a kitten if still in any doubt as to the veracity of the information you are receiving from potential sellers.




On this page the GCCFI publishes its latest news. We encourage and welcomes comments and ask that you respect others at all times.  Any abusive comments will be removed.


Latest Posts


Posted on 7th March, 2022

The death has occured of


on Thursday the 3rd March 2022


In Memoriam


Georgina was a lifetime staunch supporter of the GCCFI and a member of SABBCI. She had been until recent years a unique and most successful breeder of Siamese cats in Ireland, with wonderful breed lines, which led to great successes in shows across the country and in the UK.


As the Treasurer of SABBCI for many years, Georgina, whose lifetime experience with financial matters gained from her career as Chief Accountant in Guinnesses' Brewery, had oversight of the club's finances. She saw to it that all our financial affairs were properly conducted and kept in good order, thereby ensuring that we always had funds in hands to enable us to put on our Cat Shows.


Geogina's other interests included the activities of the Fine Gael party in her local area of Dun laoghaire and the British Legion. Her father had served in the RAF during the War and Georgina was a loyal supporter of the Legion's commemorative events.


Ar dheis Dé go raimh a anam dílis

Post Covid Shows Update

Posted on 22nd July, 2021

Shows Update


GCCFI are pleased to announce that shows will recommence in 2022, subject to Covid restrictions at the time. The first show will be the Midland Cat Club on 20th February. This will be followed by The Supreme on 1st May. Watch our website for further information.

We look forward to welcoming exhibitors and cats back.

Latest Registration News

Posted on 6th July, 2017

Two members of the Executive recently visited the GCCF office in Bridgwater to see the new system being built for GCCFI and to receive training in its use. We had the opportunity to practice with live data. We identified some problems which had occurred in the copying over of data from our old database on to the new system and some of these were rectified while we were there. This is inevitable in copying data from an old system on to an up to the minute one.


Following our visit three Executive members have been sent a test database by the GCCF and we are testing it at present. In order to get the information as accurate as possible this is taking longer than we had anticipated. It is not possible for us to test live data so GCCF have to transfer it on to the test database for us. As soon as we are satisfied with the information and the use of the database we will be in a position for it to go live for everyone. We would anticipate, allowing for holidays, that this will be in September.


We hope that as many as possible will use the on line service. One advantage, apart from speed, is that names should be correct as there won’t be handwriting for the in putter to read. You will also be able to pay on line. Further news will be published as soon as it is available.


Lorna Blackmore Taylor

Hon Chair

Interim GCCFI Shows Survey Report

Posted on 19th October, 2016

Interim Report


The review report is being studied by the Executive and was discussed at the last Council meeting. The following findings were of particular interest:

  • 5% were against having a taster show (being able to enter one show without registering) and 47.5% for.
  • The most important factors in choosing to enter a show are Judges, cost and geographical location
  • The preferred venue was a hotel. Unfortunately many hotels will not allow cats for health & safety reasons.
  • The majority of exhibitors wanted to be in the hall during judging.
  • Exhibitors would like to be able to speak to Judges and wanted feedback during Best in Show.
  • It was felt that the show calendar was badly organised and that we needed to liaise with TICA. We have tried in the past to make contact with them regarding this but have not had a response. A further attempt will be made and the Executive will be looking at our show calendar.
  • Interest expressed in double shows.
  • Training for Judges & Stewards seen to be too long and the Judges’ Panel is currently looking at this.
  • Would like a section for Pedigree Pets and titles for Non Pedigrees.
  • Some wanted on line entry and payment by Pay Pal.
  • Reduction in price for multiple entries.
  • Something to encourage youngsters to become part of the Cat Fancy.



Further discussion by the Executive & Council is needed but the following will be trialled:


  • Exhibitors to remain in the hall, but not the judging area, provided the venue is of sufficient size.
  • An area for speaking to judges will be provided at the Dublin Championship Show. Exhibitors with cats in Best in Show must not discuss these cats, or indicate ownership, to the Judges.
  • Double Shows can be tried for a year, provided the Club wants and is able to manage them. This will continue with the Midland Show in February.
  • A pedigree Pet section will be introduced and further consideration will be given to titles for Non Pedigrees.


Some of the suggestions have financial implications so need to be discussed further. We hope everyone will be patient while we consider these and other ideas. Please support the changes we are currently implementing.


The GCCFI would like to thank all who have participated in the Show Survey and hope that we can make our shows more enjoyable for you and your cats.


Betty Dobbs will cease acting as Registrar from 1st September. We will then be contracting out our registrations, transfers and prefix applications to the GCCF. In order to facilitate a smooth transfer we will be closing down our service from 1st – 12th September. Please do not send any applications during this period.  Paperwork must be with Betty by 31st August in order to be processed by her.


The new service will be on line but there will be arrangements for those with no computer access. Watch this space for further details. If you have any queries please contact chair@gccfi.com  Please also note updated price list effective from September.


The Executive & Council would like to take this opportunity of thanking Betty for her enormous contribution to the GCCFI and for continuing while we finalised new arrangements.


Lorna Taylor

Hon Chair

Information for Exhibitors

Posted on 20th July, 2016

Please note that if you apply to register (RAF) or transfer (TAF) a cat you may enter both shows (SABCCI & GCCFI) at the Dublin Championship Show on 16th October.


Posted on 9th June, 2016

Many of you will know that Betty Dobbs officially retired as Registrar last year. She has kindly continued while we investigated our options. After a lot of research and discussion the Executive recommended to Council that we should contract out our registrations and related matters to the GCCF to undertake on our behalf. This has been approved by Council and the transfer will take place within the next few months.


The GCCF will be able to provide an on line service and they will send out registration and transfer documents with our logo from the UK. Arrangements will be made for those without on line access to forward their paperwork and payment to a Council member in Ireland. Those using the on line service will be able to access their cat(s) details and make some updates. In order to help with the costs we will be charging an administrative fee of €6.00 per litter in addition to the registration fee. This only applies to registrations.


Please watch this space for further details as they become available.



Lorna Taylor

Hon Chair


Posted on 26th May, 2016





This year SABCCI in conjunction with GCCFI are holding a DOUBLE championship show


This is completely separate from The Supreme, which will continue as usual.


Each exhibitor will receive 2 schedules, 1 x SABCCI and 1x GCCFI and you may enter one or both Shows.

The classes in both schedules will be the same, except the SABCCI schedule classes will be prefixed S – S1, S2, S3 etc while the GCCFI schedule classes will be prefixed G –G1, G2, G3 etc..

When all entries are in they will be numbered, so each exhibit will have just 1 number and will be penned as usual. So if entered in both shows your exhibit will be judged by 2 different judges and 2 awards given (or not!)


Please note, however, that if you already have 2 certs when you enter, if you win a further 2 certs you will have 4 of the same certs, the 2nd WILL NOT count as a higher award.


Result slips will be posted in separate areas and will be in different colours for clarity.

There will be 1 catalogue with entries in 2 sections – SABCCI and GCCFI


Remember –

If you also enter THE CORK CAT CLUB SHOW you will be able to ‘make up’ a cat in 4 weeks!!