Interim Report
The review report is being studied by the Executive and was discussed at the last Council meeting. The following findings were of particular interest:
- 5% were against having a taster show (being able to enter one show without registering) and 47.5% for.
- The most important factors in choosing to enter a show are Judges, cost and geographical location
- The preferred venue was a hotel. Unfortunately many hotels will not allow cats for health & safety reasons.
- The majority of exhibitors wanted to be in the hall during judging.
- Exhibitors would like to be able to speak to Judges and wanted feedback during Best in Show.
- It was felt that the show calendar was badly organised and that we needed to liaise with TICA. We have tried in the past to make contact with them regarding this but have not had a response. A further attempt will be made and the Executive will be looking at our show calendar.
- Interest expressed in double shows.
- Training for Judges & Stewards seen to be too long and the Judges’ Panel is currently looking at this.
- Would like a section for Pedigree Pets and titles for Non Pedigrees.
- Some wanted on line entry and payment by Pay Pal.
- Reduction in price for multiple entries.
- Something to encourage youngsters to become part of the Cat Fancy.
Further discussion by the Executive & Council is needed but the following will be trialled:
- Exhibitors to remain in the hall, but not the judging area, provided the venue is of sufficient size.
- An area for speaking to judges will be provided at the Dublin Championship Show. Exhibitors with cats in Best in Show must not discuss these cats, or indicate ownership, to the Judges.
- Double Shows can be tried for a year, provided the Club wants and is able to manage them. This will continue with the Midland Show in February.
- A pedigree Pet section will be introduced and further consideration will be given to titles for Non Pedigrees.
Some of the suggestions have financial implications so need to be discussed further. We hope everyone will be patient while we consider these and other ideas. Please support the changes we are currently implementing.
The GCCFI would like to thank all who have participated in the Show Survey and hope that we can make our shows more enjoyable for you and your cats.
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