This year SABCCI in conjunction with GCCFI are holding a DOUBLE championship show
This is completely separate from The Supreme, which will continue as usual.
Each exhibitor will receive 2 schedules, 1 x SABCCI and 1x GCCFI and you may enter one or both Shows. The classes in both schedules will be the same, except the SABCCI schedule classes will be prefixed S – S1, S2, S3 etc while the GCCFI schedule classes will be prefixed G –G1, G2, G3 etc.. When all entries are in they will be numbered, so each exhibit will have just 1 number and will be penned as usual. So if entered in both shows your exhibit will be judged by 2 different judges and 2 awards given (or not!)
Please note, however, that if you already have 2 certs when you enter, if you win a further 2 certs you will have 4 of the same certs, the 2nd WILL NOT count as a higher award.
Result slips will be posted in separate areas and will be in different colours for clarity. There will be 1 catalogue with entries in 2 sections – SABCCI and GCCFI
Remember – If you also enter THE CORK CAT CLUB SHOW you will be able to ‘make up’ a cat in 4 weeks!! |
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